About Us
Company Background, Vision, Mission, and Organizational Structure

Company Background
PT Indogawa Teknologi Indonesia (Indogawa) is a national private company established in 2017
Indogawa provides natural gas and all its derivatives such as gas pipelines, Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) including sales and distribution activites.
Indogawa helps the industry to reduce the use of fuel oil (BBM) by using gas fuel (BBG) and also supports government programs by using environmentally friendly fuels.
Indogawa is supported by Human Resources (HR) who are experienced in natural gas processing and trading activities in Indonesia.

Our Vision
The most reliable company that continuously improves and expands ourselves by utilizing natural resources.

Our Mission
Become a “one-stop-service” provider of natural gas energy with the infrastructure of pipeline network, LNG Plant and CNG Plant.